Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I want to apologize for not sending a newsletter in July. It has been extremely busy, and although it was in my heart to reach out through my newsletter, the opportunity just never came. In July I was ministering in Ireland for ten days. When I was in Ireland I tripped and fell and bruised my ribs and I am still dealing with the pain. And then just days after I returned home from Ireland, my dog Rocky passed away… which broke my heart. Rocky was my lamb-dog… I’ve never seen a dog put other dogs and cats first or take care of them the way that Rocky did. Rocky has left an imprint on everybody that met him and I am still missing him deeply. Thank you for all your prayers and care over these needs.
In a little over a week there will be a celebration of Deb's and my 50th Anniversary both in our marriage and in the ministry. My daughters have been working hard to make this a special celebration, and we are also involved somewhat in the preparations for that event, which is coming soon. In the midst of all of this, I am teaching and sharing several times a week. Therefore, instead of sharing an article this month, we will provide links for those who may want to watch or listen to some of these recent classes and sharings.
However busy it may be, know that you are always close in my heart.
Yours in Him,