Dear Lamb Family,
Together we are our Lord’s flock, His family, and even more intimately… we are His very body. It can become commonplace in our terminology to know ourselves as “the body of Christ.” However, the reality of this is radical. It is real. And it is right now!
We have been raised up together in Christ to function as the very body of Jesus and vehicle of the present Jesus. If we look more closely at THIS Jesus instead of Jesus of Nazareth we will find that He is raised up and seated upon His throne as a Lamb. And if we press in even more, we find Him to be a slaughtered Lamb, bearing scars even in resurrection glory. And we are the body of THIS One. The body of the sacrifice.
In the Old Testament, the bodies of the sacrifices were offered upon the altar. In other words, their bodies were a vehicle of sacrifice. This sacrificial Spirit of selfless giving is fulfilled in the nature of Jesus. And His Spirit fills His own Body. And together, through His Life, we carry forth this Lamb to the world, but more importantly, to our families.
And yet, just the thought of being the body of this sacrificial Lamb can bring fear and pressure to our hearts, as if now we have to try and manifest “sacrifice” and “love” when we know our own inability to do so. But Jesus knows what we sometimes forget. HE IS our resurrection. HE IS our Life! And even more, He is our peace. God did not raise us up in Christ so that we could try our best to be loving and kind. He gave us HIS SON. Christ is what is raised as our very Life. Our peace comes from knowing that we are no longer separate, alone, and on our own. He has become our Peace because now we have HIM Who is our Peace!
The Lord sees us as bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. He has made us one with Himself and with His body. As His Body, we are not just together, but we are His and we have Him corporately as our all and in all. It is glorious. It is true. We are entering a season where the Life of Jesus is manifesting through His Body. What a glorious release of His Life that comes through many flowing in His Spirit as One! Some may view such a season as a time of busy-ness and increase of ministry, rather than an increase of Christ living and pouring through His Body. But dear and Beloved members of Jesus … He is rising up. He is springing forth. His is the new song and the new way in which we approach all that is to come. May we prepare our hearts and minds to be His together in His nature of love.
With you always upon my heart in Christ,
In the Song of Solomon 4:8 we find the Lord giving a description of His garden (church) from His viewpoint. He sees things from a different position than we see things. In order to see as He sees, we must stand where He stands. In chapter 4 verse 8, we are told to come up to see from His perspective. That place is described as being from the top of Amana. The Hebrew meaning of this word Amana means "Amen." The word "amen" simply means "So be it." As we see things from His perspective, we see things as they really are. From the top of Amen (so be it), we will see the truth. Song of Solomon says at the bottom of this mountain Amana are lions' dens (SoS 4:8). 1 Peter 5:8 describes the devil as a roaring lion. The lesson here is that, at the bottom of the mountain, all we hear is the devil roaring. Every time people are caught up with "what the devil is doing," we can be sure that they are at the bottom of this mountain. They "see" from their own limited position.
In Mark chapter 9, we are told of what has come to be known as the "Mount of Transfiguration." Jesus took three of His disciples to the top of this mountain with Him and He was transformed before them. The lesson here is that, in order to go to the top of this mountain, we must be willing to change. That means we will accept what the Lord says; we must come into agreement with Him! From the top of "Amen" we will have no desire to criticize and condemn people.
From the top of Amana, we can see things the way they really are! Remember, only the Beloved knows the truth about us! We see things and then we usually form our opinion of what we "see" and then we usually try to draw what we perceive to be the truth. This limits our understanding to such a point that truth is traded for illusion many times. So, if Amana means amen and amen means "so be it" or "let it be" (truth), then we can see that we cannot always count on our "view" of truth. We must view truth from Amana or, if you will, "God’s amen."
"So be it" or "let it" means that we have settled on His view of things from above and are not trying to improve what Jesus has already rejected, nor are we trying to improve what Jesus has perfected. We see from an above perspective and not from a fallen view.
Coming into agreement with God and giving Him our "amen" does not involve climbing up a huge mountain. It requires the turning of our hearts from our view to His. The scriptures tell us that "a wise man’s eyes are in his head" (Ecclesiastes 2:14). Jesus is the head of the church, His Body (Colossians 1:18). If we are His Body, then His eyes see what is true for His whole body. The view of Jesus our Head is from above, where He is seated in heavenly places with us in Him (Ephesians 2:6). What He declares true pertains to His whole body. In other words, we do not only receive it individually but for all our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Jesus, the Head of His Body, declares that we are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh (Ephesians 5:30), and that is just one example. If you really want to start shouting "Amen!" open your Bible and start reading what God declares to be true of us in His Son. Instead of reading it as a teaching, receive it as the Word of the Head of the Body, the Lord of all, and your Lord. Let your response be a faith-filled “Amen” that releases your agreement with God over the issues that have been casting you down into fear and unbelief with the lions. Every “Amen” is your heart saying “SO BE IT” … “If it is true of Jesus then it is true of me and all of us. If it hasn’t manifested yet, I will abide in Him until it appears.”
Remember, the Song of Solomon is a book concerning a union between Solomon and his bride. This is simply a shadow of Christ and us, His Church. Solomon desired to bring his bride up the “AMEN” mountain (Amana) where they could abide together as one in the way they viewed everything. Don’t you want to be with Jesus that way? We know from these scriptures that He wants us to be with Him in this way, so instead of wrestling with fear and lions, let’s be with the Lord in His place and view and give Him our hearts with a faith-filled “AMEN”!
We have started something new that we hope is a blessing to you! We have created "Playlists" on YouTube for the current "Stephen" class as well as other classes! This means you can click on one link and find ALL the classes for a particular sharing in one easy place! We add the new Stephen class to its playlist each week, and we are working to make more playlists for past classes, so keep an eye out for those!