Dear and Precious Friends,
I have a praise report!... Because we are growing up together in Him, we are able to manifest Him as His body in new and wonderful ways together. From the youngest to the oldest… that is the heart and spirit of this year’s Gathering! I see in the hearts of so many the desire to give God a feast, and that heart is filling our times of preparations. Some people may think, “What about me, I am a mess… what do I have to offer Him?” May those hearts be comforted to know that the Spirit can use our brokenness and even emptiness to bring forth an offering of the Lamb from earthen vessels. Some may be coming to soak and receive! Praise God for that heart is a ministry to God. Others may feel comfortable pouring out times. All glory to the Lord. Whether we give or take, pour out or receive, … we are One and it is Jesus that is manifesting and ministering through His own Body.
I have no fear in regard to how the actual event goes. If this year’s Gathering got snowed out, all the equipment failed and only a few people came together to bless the Father, Son, and Spirit…. we will do it with all our hearts and it will be glorious!
I want to thank the young adults who have been a major factor in the preparations for this year’s Gathering. They are growing in the Lord as vessels through whom we can receive of the Lamb. I also see many people who, in weakness and even pain are pouring over the Lord in their preparations with no thought of themselves. With tears in my eyes, I say thank you to these, for I know how this must bless the heart of God. There are others who have never before functioned in certain areas of leadership that are full of the Lamb and flowing in His Spirit and wisdom. Our children’s program this year is going to be full of life as Emee O’Reilly has blessed us with receiving a program for the kids from the Lord’s heart. She has a team working with her of that same heart and spirit. Faf just flew in from overseas and within her came the Jesus we all love! Not only she, but so many are coming to the feast with this one heart and purpose… to bless God and offer up His Lamb. If all else fails and everything falls apart, … may our true purpose be fulfilled as we allow all of it to become part of the offering wherein the Lamb comes forth from us all.
You are more precious than you know, and in my heart always,
P.S. Please forgive the briefness of this newsletter. Due to my busy schedule in preparing for the Gathering I only had time for this short note, but with it comes my love!
I have a praise report!... Because we are growing up together in Him, we are able to manifest Him as His body in new and wonderful ways together. From the youngest to the oldest… that is the heart and spirit of this year’s Gathering! I see in the hearts of so many the desire to give God a feast, and that heart is filling our times of preparations. Some people may think, “What about me, I am a mess… what do I have to offer Him?” May those hearts be comforted to know that the Spirit can use our brokenness and even emptiness to bring forth an offering of the Lamb from earthen vessels. Some may be coming to soak and receive! Praise God for that heart is a ministry to God. Others may feel comfortable pouring out times. All glory to the Lord. Whether we give or take, pour out or receive, … we are One and it is Jesus that is manifesting and ministering through His own Body.
I have no fear in regard to how the actual event goes. If this year’s Gathering got snowed out, all the equipment failed and only a few people came together to bless the Father, Son, and Spirit…. we will do it with all our hearts and it will be glorious!
I want to thank the young adults who have been a major factor in the preparations for this year’s Gathering. They are growing in the Lord as vessels through whom we can receive of the Lamb. I also see many people who, in weakness and even pain are pouring over the Lord in their preparations with no thought of themselves. With tears in my eyes, I say thank you to these, for I know how this must bless the heart of God. There are others who have never before functioned in certain areas of leadership that are full of the Lamb and flowing in His Spirit and wisdom. Our children’s program this year is going to be full of life as Emee O’Reilly has blessed us with receiving a program for the kids from the Lord’s heart. She has a team working with her of that same heart and spirit. Faf just flew in from overseas and within her came the Jesus we all love! Not only she, but so many are coming to the feast with this one heart and purpose… to bless God and offer up His Lamb. If all else fails and everything falls apart, … may our true purpose be fulfilled as we allow all of it to become part of the offering wherein the Lamb comes forth from us all.
You are more precious than you know, and in my heart always,
P.S. Please forgive the briefness of this newsletter. Due to my busy schedule in preparing for the Gathering I only had time for this short note, but with it comes my love!